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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound - Only by your grace, nothing else
That saved a wretch like me - I have been rescued from my own foolishness
I was once lost, but now am found - I am in full confusion, only to find myself in your arms
Was blind but now I see - I did not understand your ways, you revealed them to me

I was lost due to my own foolishness, and decision to stray from You. Now am found because of Your grace that made me come back. Was blind. I sometimes don't understand why things happen the way they do, what I've done wrong to deserve what I go through, yet, I don't always need to know the answers. Now I see. I may or may not see the goodness of Your plans for I only see from human insight, but I see now that it always is good.

Thank You Father for Your grace.

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