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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Superficial Layer Cake

Everything's so layer-cake like. But beneath all those layers, lies an integrated, homogeneous personality that truly describes you. But until then,

I have one superficial personality in front of acquaintances
I have one superficial personality in front of people I find weird
I have one superficial personality in front of lecturers
I have one superficial personality in front of Christians
I have one superficial personality in front of guys
I have one superficial personality in front of girls
I have one superficial personality in front of a girl I have the 'ahem' for
--that's a superficial statement right there because I'm shy to tell the truth :*) --
I have one superficial personality in front of each familiy member

Truth is, I only have one clear cut personality, just like everyone else.
I can't be everyone, I can truly only be me.

And that sort of me is found only in my beloved Jesus.
Oh the beauty of it all.

1 comment:

Ally said...

Hey David! it's been awhile since I popped by :)

You sure have lived up to your name- you are an encouragement!! keep at it.
