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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Grace is

It is the element that the Steadfast Defender supplies to do His will. Grace is not wantonness, it is not for boasting, it is for service. As it is, grace is bread from heaven, by which we receive heavenly strength, to do heavenly works. When Elijah had his cake of bread and water from the angel, he did not consume it at ease. Far otherwise! It became 40days and 40nights of strength, to continue the journey to Horeb. It is symbolic of the Master's grace. Before Elijah received manna, Jezebel was pursuing him to take his life. And only just before that, He slaughtered hundreds of false prophets, bringing glory to God.

Therefore, as we receive it, we ought not to forget that it is given, not for us to continue in the chains that bind us, but for us to faithfully turn away from the chains of sin. Let us not receive the measure of strength provided by grace just so we can remain in our corrupt ways. Let us receive of that strength to fight the Jezebels of our faith.

Earth is preparation for heaven. Heaven is the place where the believers work most and feast most. It is in heaven that the joy of the faithful is to serve Him. Render then, o my heart, the service justly required of grace, that I may not enter heaven and regret that I have not worked enough for your glory. May my body be battered and broken and bruised for Christ, that I may feed on greater manna, in anxious wait of the end of the race after which the prize given would be far greater.

Forgive me GOD, if I find no trouble living on You, and yet are not so anxious to live for You. Transform me, with the daily bread You give me, to bring heaven on Earth, your Kingdom come. Teach me, disciple me, for I wan't to be anxious to give you glory for the grace you so freely give. Remind me that grace is for Your glory, not for my satisfaction.

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