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Monday, March 30, 2009

An Inspiration for my undergraduate thesis

Inspired Thesis Topic
Monkey powered turbines. Monkeys eat mostly from the waste in UKM, hence it's kind of like a waste-to-energy process.. Instead of causing so much trouble they might as well be put to some good. Start training one monkey and things get easier from there.

Monkey see, monkey do


  1. Monkey caught.
  2. Monkey trained.
  3. Monkey put through forced labor.
  4. Monkey eats food from rubbish dump.
  5. Monkey swings from turbine to turbine, in cycles(more monkeys generate more cycles)
  6. Weight of monkey pulls the turbine blades downwards.
  7. Inertia gets the next blade up to position.
  8. Trainer gets out his cane to motivate the monkeys
  9. Step 5 to 8 is repeated until the monkeys get tired and go to sleep
  10. Turbine in rotation generates current by virtue of an AC/DC motor.
  11. Rotary energy is converted to electricity. Power is distributed throughout UKM
  12. Everyone is happy =) (except for our less evolved creatures)

It's green energy! Well, more like brown.
It's free once you cover the initial cost
Higher 'security' in UKM.
It's fun to watch! Duh

Getting the monkeys to work punctually.
Monkey rights activists protest against unethical treatment of monkeys.. Like c'mon, it's just a bunch of monkeys
Risk the monkeys going on an employee boycott/riot.. After all, monkey see monkey do!


-aikhim- said...

very terrible!!! =( poor monkeys!

Anonymous said...

hahaha...and when can i see d prototype? =p

Liz said...

Ahahha COOL!! *ponders*
This just might work!! If we can just convince the monkey rights activists to see it our way. XD

aDeLiYn said...

I'll chip in for the initial cost!

*rooting for team David against team Munky!*

h0cmun said...

i'm worried that this idea will be objected by WWF... hmm..