Choices are merely variables in the same parenthesis , together defining a function called character. Parameterise those choices wisely!!
Note: people usually parameterise it with respect to time. So make the best use of your time!
ƒ(choice 1, choice 2) = (choice1)² ± (choice2) ± constant = character..
Please study chapter six(or was it four) of your pure math in the STPM syllabus (functions of a variable) first before trying to grasp the depth of the above statement. HAHA
accessing form6 math...
brain... cannot... compute... hahaha
Don't ever ever ever EVER mention Form 6 Maths to me again.
I mean it.
Form 6 Maths to me again.
I mean it.
You're SUCH a NERD, David Leong!! :P :P
Yes I am.. and I help to shape the scientific future, unlike the non-nerds who waste theirs. hahahaha
hahhahaa, i kinda remember sorta having some of that in our sylabus
You're super duper LAME David Leong Kin Ming.
Up till almost 21 years of my life, I have yet to meet someone as lame as YOU.
But knowing you, you would take this as a compliment and thank me and be extremely proud to be called that.
Kan?? >.<
Yeah I'm used to it already... LAME and HANDSOME too... haha
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