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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mukjizat itu Nyata

Tak terbatas kuasaMu Tuhan
Semua telah Kau lakukan
Apa yang kelihatan mustahil bagiku
Itu sangat mungkin bagiMu:
Di saat ku tak berdaya
KasihMu yang sempurna
Ketika aku percaya
Mukjizat itu nyata
Bukan kerna kekuatan
Tapi RohMu, ya Tuhan
Ketika aku percaya
Mukjizat itu nyata

Unbounded is Your power, Lord
All things You have accomplished
Those things which appear to be impossible to me
They are very possible for You
The very second i have no strength
It's your love that is perfect
The moment i believe
The miracle is real
Not by might, nor by power
but by Your Spirit, oh God
The moment i believe
The miracle is real

Note: God does not necessarily give you a miracle just because we 'believe'.. It also has to be in line with His divine, perfect will for your life. Of course, He will give you what you ask for if you keep insisting although it's not God's best for you, but He let's you have it because He is a God who created us with free will. But be careful what you ask for. =)

Joyeux Noel and a Happy 2009 to all of You.

Jesus loves you this season, and forevermore. Will we do the same for others?

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